bunny party!

Stranger Things Than Death Can Happen




To Labrat Girls, and Pretty White Rabbits!

welcome to bunny party, if you are here chances are its to find information about me and i don't know why you'd want to do that, but here it is! this site will remain under permanent construction as i find things to add to it and fix, in no ways am i a professional with coding and you'll likely see me use templates or half broken HTML. most, if not all gifs used on this website are sourced from https://gifcities.org/ and in no way do i claim them as mine, or plan on using them for any monetary gain. if you have any issues or questions, you are free to message me on any given socials. if you are here to gather information about me for in an inappropriate way or here to stalk me then i would kindly ask you to turn around and leave.